The information below is from my own experience. Eloquent Lifetime Papillons does not take any responsibility for any medication suggestions, etc. etc.
Reverse Sneezing: What is it
Cold/ Stuffy nose med: here
Benadryl Uses: Dosage
Fleas / Ticks: Diatomaceous Earth- Food Grade
Luxating Patellas: About / Care
Inducing Emergency Vomiting: How to
Fruits / Veggies: Which ones are ok or not
5 Best Papillon Harnesses: Here
After You get Your Puppy Home: Helpful Info
Training Your Dog to Come: how to
What to look for in a breeder: Info
Papillon Hypoglycemia: Info
Males vs. Females: Article
When to Spay/Neuter: Guide - Article
You would like to two females? Please read
Diarrhea solution: Amazon
How to perforom CPR: Here
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop: How to stop it
Poisonous Plants: Here
Granite Memorial Markers: Here
Bladder stones (I use both): Break it up & Antilithic
Financial Aid for sick pets: Here
Papillon Standard: Description
Human Medications that is suggested you can use:
Harness vs. Collar:
This is such a debatable topic. This is MY opinion and what I suggest.
If your baby is not going to be a show dog I personally suggest nothing but a harness.
My dogs have been attacked by dogs off of leash a few times. I have literally picked my dogs up by the harness and saved their lives. If they had only a collar this wouldn't have been possible. Collars are also dangerous in crates. I do not recommend leaving anything on the dogs in crates at all.
I have my dogs trained both on lead for show and harness for fun walks.