

Shampoo / Conditioner:

This is such a touchy subject with breeders.  Having said that, I have spent $100's on different lines of products.  Show products, etc. etc.  I ALWAYS went back to and now stick with Crown Royale:

Crown Royale Condition Plus   used with   Crown Royale Shampoo (my personal favorite combo)

Grooming Spray:

I don't always condition the ears with the above as it may weigh the fringe.

As far as a conditioning spray for in-between baths  - I strongly recommend :

Crown Royale Magic Touch Grooming Spray Concentrate 

Never comb Papillon ears dry!  Condition first with Crown Royal Magic Touch Grooming Spray

Grooming Tools:

Pin Brush 

Metal Comb 

I bathe the dogs once a month right in my kitchen sink unless they decide to tuck and roll in something they shouldn't lol.    I strongly recommend you get them used to water and the hair dryer at a very young age and bathing in the future will be a snap!  

The only fur that I trim are the feet and sanitary groom on the back side.  Never ever cut their ears.